Institute of Control, Robotics, and Systems

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Introduce IJCAS

Hyo-Sung Ahn, GIST

Indexed/Abstracted in:
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), SCOPUS, and Korea Citation Index

Impact factor
3.2 (2022), Q2 (Automation & Control Systems)

1598-6446 (print) / 2005-4092 (electronic)

Periodical Publication
12 Issues per year (Monthly)


Springer and Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers

Introduction of International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS)

The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS) is an international publication that focuses on the field of control engineering, automation, and systems. The journal aims to promote the latest advancements and cutting-edge research in these areas by providing researchers, engineers, and academics with a platform to publish their original and innovative works. The journal is committed to promoting original works that demonstrate a strong practical motivation and feature high-clarity exposition. With a dedicated editorship team, the journal aims to maintain high-quality standards and contribute to the growth of these fields.

The journal provides comprehensive coverage of both theory and applications of automatic control in various fields, including but not limited to electrical, mechanical, aerospace, biomedical, industrial, and chemical engineering. It also delves into theory, application, and experimentation of robotics, covering topics such as robot dynamics, path planning and navigation, robot vision, microrobot, haptics, and human-robot interaction. Additionally, the journal features research on the integration of artificial intelligence into control, robotics and engineered systems, including reinforcement learning, machine learning and evolutionary algorithms for robots, control, and processes. With such diverse and extensive coverage, the journal serves as a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and academics in these fields. The journal has been indexed in SCIE since 2004 and is a joint publication of the Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS) and the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers (KIEE).

  • Presents research in three closely related areas: control, automation and systems
  • Coverage extends to Control Theory; Control Applications; Robotics and Automation; and Intelligent and Information Systems
  • Primarily focused on research in control and automation

Aim and Scope

The International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS) is an international publication that focuses on control engineering, automation, and systems. The journal serves as a platform for researchers, engineers, and academics to publish their original and innovative works and promote the latest advancements and research in these fields. The editorship team values manuscripts that feature a strong practical motivation and exhibit high-clarity exposition.

The journal covers a wide range of topics that includes the theory and applications in automatic control, as well as theory, application and experimentation of robotics. Additionally, the journal features research on artificial intelligence for engineered systems in the context of control, automation and robotics.